So Priorities: yeah, not my strongest point. Oh I know what my priorities are. I just don't follow it consistently enough.
Knowing this weakness of mine, I figured a little accountability would probably help me stay on the straight an narrow. So here is my list of priorities and the steps I'll be taking to follow them.
That and me and my eldest made our own homemade laundry and dish detergent. :) SO FUN!
Knowing this weakness of mine, I figured a little accountability would probably help me stay on the straight an narrow. So here is my list of priorities and the steps I'll be taking to follow them.
- God: First and foremost in my life, I will be giving of my time in the morning or evening to time alone with the Author and Creator of my life. If I miss a day, I will not wallow in shame, but I will be driven to start fresh the next day. I want it to be in the morning, but sometimes the children are up before I am so that does not always work. So evenings or their nap times sometimes work better. (Psalm 5:3 ~ In the morning, I will order my prayer to you and eagerly watch.)
- Husband: In order that the rest of my family fall into place, my husband comes first before children, before extended family, before friends. I want to honor him with my time, love, and uncondtional grace as we work together - heirs of the kingdom together. I will look out for his needs before mine and my children's, learning what it is he loves and responds well to so that I can make his life more restful and lovingly, silently influence him to a strong relationship with God. (Psalm 31:12 ~ She does him good and not evil all the days of her life)
- Children: I want my children above all to come to an all-encompassing devotion and faith in Christ. To love others and to love their Heavenly Father. To encourage this choice, I will train them and raise them up in the way they should go, with a strong, Biblical foundation. I also want to teach my daughter to be a godly, beautiful, cheerful homemaker and my son to be a loving, strong, godly Man who takes care of his family and loves his Lord. (3 John 1:4 ~ I have no greater joy than this, to hear of my children walking in the Truth) (See: Pictures of my fun day with my daughter...)
- Home: I want my home to welcome, to brighten, to encourage those around me. I want my meals to fill bellies and my words to fill hearts. Joy, contentment, peace, love...overwhelming all those who walk through my front door. This means maintaining a consistent cleaning schedule and teaching it to my kids. I do not expect PERFECT home, just CARED for. (Proverbs 31:27 ~ She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness)
- My Gifts: Especially my writing. God gave me talents and I do not choose to bury them in the dirt. Whether it be cooking a meal for a sick neighbor or writing a novel that once published can bring extra income to help meet my family's needs - and the needs of those around us. This means making time during the day for my writing, cooking, etc. SCHEDULE...yuck...but necessary. :-) (1 Peter 4:10 ~ As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold Grace of God.)
- Personal: I need time to refresh, rest, and rejuvenate my own energy stash so that I CAN take care of all the other priorities in my life. This is not last because it's least. It is last because I know that I easily throw this one on top of the pile with the justification that my needs NEED to be met first and foremost above all else. Not true and definitely pushes the selfish envelope to its max. I know I need time for myself; I just know that I CAN and WILL give of myself to God and family and others first before I take care of this priority.
That and me and my eldest made our own homemade laundry and dish detergent. :) SO FUN!
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