Quotable Quotes

“Writing is a socially acceptable form of schizophrenia.”
~ E.L. Doctorow

A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.

- Oscar Wilde

Month of November

Saturday, October 22, 2011

On celebrating life...

My daughter turned three years old today. At 1:56am this morning, she was born. You know I can't remember much about what kind of a day it was. I couldn't tell you if it was sunny or cold and cloudy. But I remember - in a hazy sort of way - everything about her amazing birth. Wow! That's all I have to say.

Bella - my beautifully and wonderfully handmade by God princess - made me a mommy. Her entry into my life has been rewarding. Often painful, sometimes sorrowful, and 100% JOYFUL! She's light and energy and full of life. Made in the image of God and a wonderful gift that I am so thankful for.

We celebrated with many family and friends today. She wore her fairy princess costume that her Oma made for her. She flitted about with excitement as she passed out party favors to the guests and eagerly enjoyed opening her own gifts. It was harvest themed so pulled pork sandwiches, roasted autumn veggies, and pumpkin cake were on the menu. YUMMY!

It's challenging raising children. Many readers can probably attest to that. Not only are their physical, emotional, and mental needs a high priority, but we parents have the heart of our children in our hands. Their souls are given to us on loan so that we can raise them and train them up in the way of the Lord. Such a short period of time to get it right - and so often we fail magnificently.

Yet the joy and satisfaction we get when they realize an important truth for the first time or they finally make that right choice when they've fought it through repeated attempts at training. I do NOT want to break my children's spirits. EVER.

I do want to see that they have the best chance at standing firm in their faith and convictions in a world that is bent on destroying everything innocent and good about them. Bella is my first child - she is not and will not be my last. And I so want to get it right.

I also want her to know that I make mistakes - I screw up royally. But I am just as much - if not more - in need of a Savior than she is. That she doesn't have to fear me as a judging, vindictive monster only out for my own agenda. I want her to know unconditional love, consistency, and joy! Pure joy...

She makes me proud - and even when she chooses to make wrong choices, I love her dearly and revel in seeing her choose to step back onto the right path. :-)

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